新闻 & 事件
美国人和大屠杀 traveling exhibition coming to Framingham State University’s Henry Whittemore图书馆
2024年4月11日十大网赌信誉平台的亨利·惠特莫尔图书馆是美国50个图书馆之一.S. 新选定的图书馆将举办美国人与大屠杀的巡回展览.S. 大屠杀纪念博物馆和美国图书馆协会(ALA)调查动机, 压力和恐惧塑造了美国人对纳粹主义的反应, 20世纪30年代和40年代在欧洲发生的战争和种族灭绝.
2024年4月10日十大网赌信誉平台已经成为美国蜜蜂校园项目的附属机构, 旨在为传粉者的利益整合教育校园的优势. FSU joins many other cities and campuses across the country united in improving their landscapes for pollinators.
内科医生,作家和创伤专家. 阿丽莎挤Moreland-Capuia将在十大网赌信誉平台的毕业典礼上发表主题演讲
2024年3月13日十大网赌信誉平台很荣幸地宣布,著名的医生, 作者, 研究员, 以及创伤专家. 阿丽莎挤Moreland-Capuia博士. AMC) will give the keynote commencement address to the Class of 2024 during the undergraduate commencement ceremony.
FSU Receives $1 million in federal funding to create a virtual simulation lab at the Christa McAuliffe Center
2024年3月13日上周, the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation helped secure $1 million in federal funding to create a state-of-the-art simulation lab in the newly renovated Christa McAuliffe Center for Integrated Science Learning at Framingham State University.
2024年3月6日2月26日, Framingham State University’s Danforth Museum and School received word that it is the recipient of a $100,000美元无限制捐赠. Donors Katherine and Robert Eyre stated that they made the gift “to benefit the activities and initiatives of both the Museum and the Art School.” This gift is the first to be specifically designated for an unrestricted endowment fund since the institution became part of Framingham State University.
FSU聘请博士. 劳伦·诺福-克莱门茨担任理学院的新院长, 技术, 工程与数学(STEM)
2024年3月1日十大网赌信誉平台很高兴地宣布聘请. 劳伦·诺福-克莱门茨担任理学院的新院长, 技术, 工程与数学(STEM), 7月15日生效, 2024.
2024年2月26日The top-seeded Framingham State University women's basketball team outscored Bridgewater State 22-9 in the fourth quarter en route to a 74-62 win to claim the 2024 MASCAC Championship in front of a standing room only crowd at Logan Gymnasium on Saturday, 2月. 24th. The Rams capture their third title in four seasons and earn the MASCAC's automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament. 他们将在3月的第一个周末与斯克兰顿队进行首轮比赛.
2024年2月26日The Spring Exhibitions at the Danforth Art Museum merge the past and the present and create a space for storytelling, 发现, 和理解. 在三场展览中受到广泛的媒体关注, artists peel back layers of history and confront the past through visual interpretations that provide broader understanding of the present. 每个艺术家都使用他们选择的媒介, 生活经验, 并连接到探索历史的地方, 文化, 自然世界, 收集, 以及个人能动性——所有这些都在敦促我们成为我们所生活的世界的妥善管家.
2024年2月7日Framingham State University’s Danforth Art Museum has teamed up with FSU’s Center for 包容的卓越 on a special display of five beautiful pieces of art created by Black artists.
Chris Walsh Center for Educators and 家庭 Receives Grant to Offer Support Group for Parents of Children with Disabilities
2024年2月1日As the Chris Walsh Center for Educators and 家庭 nears its 4-year anniversary of providing support to local educators and families with students who have disabilities and unmet needs, 它继续向这些社区提供免费资源.
Dr. Ilyasah Shabazz将于1月25日在十大网赌信誉平台发表马丁·路德·金纪念演讲
2024年1月8日The community is invited to attend Framingham State University’s MLK Commemoration Lecture this month featuring Dr. Ilyasah Shabazz是民权运动偶像马尔科姆·艾克斯的女儿.
2023年12月20日Framingham State University junior 索非亚威尔逊 is heading north in the spring for a Mitacs Globalink Research Internship under the direction of Dr. 不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚大学的Janelle Jenstad说.
Framingham State University’s Christa McAuliffe Center is reborn as a 21st Century interdisciplinary facility following nearly $8 million renovation
2023年12月20日当你走进克里斯塔·麦考利夫中心新近装修的天文馆时, 你也可能发现健康研究的学生在星空下冥想, 或者是艺术系学生在穹顶上回顾他们的原创作品, 你会发现一门天文学课正在深入讨论宇宙的起源.
约瑟夫·阿德尔曼教授是一群杰出历史学家之一,他们向美国政府提交了一份法庭之友简报.S. 最高法院审理第一修正案重大案件
2023年12月8日一群著名的历史学家,包括十大网赌信誉平台历史教授约瑟夫. Adelman filed an Amicus Brief to the United States Supreme Court on December 7th related to two cases coming before the court with First Amendment implications.
2023年11月21日由联赛MVP安娜·希曼斯基领衔, the fourth seed Framingham State University volleyball team upset third seed MCLA 3-2 earlier this month to capture the 2023 Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference (MASCAC) Volleyball Tournament Championship. 这场胜利使这支球队自动获得了进入NCAA第三级锦标赛的资格, 在那里他们会沦落到全国排名的伊萨卡.
Framingham State University Named Among the Most Environmentally Responsible 大学 in The Country by 普林斯顿评论
2023年11月21日Framingham State University has been recognized as one of the nation's most environmentally responsible colleges for the 12th time by 普林斯顿评论®.
McAuliffe Center-led Heat Mapping Campaign Identifies Urban Heat Islands Where Temperatures Register More than 10 Degrees Hotter Than Greener Areas
2023年10月24日The results from an Urban Heat Mapping Campaign led by Framingham State University’s Christa McAuliffe Center in July are in, providing hard evidence of the increased burden of extreme temperatures on people living in urban areas.
2023年10月19日The 大众生命科学中心 has approved more than half a million in funding to Framingham State University for the purchase of two state-of-the-art pieces of equipment critical to the study of the life sciences.
The Fall Exhibitions at Framingham State University’s Danforth Art Museum focus on the work of three New England-based artists
2023年10月5日The Fall Exhibitions at the Danforth Art Museum focus on the work of three New England-based artists working across media, 接近毅力的主题, 弹性, 和验收.
2023年9月20日It's a dream come true for any recent college graduate–landing a good job right out of school in a thriving industry that provides ample opportunity for career growth.
十大网赌信誉平台被评为北方地区顶尖大学 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道
2023年9月18日Framingham State University has been ranked as a Top Regional University in the North Region for 2023-2024 by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道,该网站于9月9日周一发布了年度排名. 18.