Framingham State University is a place where inquisitive, career-focused students thrive. 你的成功对我们很重要. From your first day as an FSU student to the day you graduate (和 beyond), we're there to help you find your road to success.
Success starts with making learning interesting. Here new ideas 和 discoveries are a daily occurrence. Classes are not just about listening. 讨论, 看, 思考, being in the thick of the action are big parts of our learning experience. 你的想法和意见是有价值的. Subjects become much easier to remember, 和 getting a 360-degree perspective of other people’s views gives you new insight. You find yourself that much more able to problem-solve. Pretty soon you notice your “I got this” attitude growing by leaps 和 bounds. 是的... “你有这个吗?”!”
13:1 师生比例 了解更多 关于学生与教师的比例
8 Consecutive years the Princeton Review named FSU a "Green College" 了解更多 about Consecutive years the Princeton Review named FSU a "Green College"
Knowledge plus experience; that’s what gets you hired 和 on the road to success. We build that into our academics so that you get professional training as part of your major. 实习, 领域的研究, 和 on-the-job training are all options available for you to combine in ways that are best for you. The best thing is we’re right in the heart of the MetroWest corridor, 波士顿和伍斯特之间, which is teeming with opportunities to get real-world experience. And when it comes to getting your foot in the door, we’ve got your back. We’ll help you with tools, resources, 和 professional connections.
当地Medina-Carrasco '22 >专业:工作室艺术
I came to Framingham State to learn how to be an art therapist because I aspire to help people with mental illness. I have found so many opportunities outside of the classroom that support my passion 和 goals. One example is my position as an office assistant at the Danforth, an art museum 和 school run by Framingham State 和 located within walking distance from campus. In my position I help with the day-to-day operations of the art school, which offers a variety of courses for everyone from early elementary-age children to adults."
You expect professors to know their stuff, to be scholars who are constantly acquiring 和 defining new areas of knowledge. FSU教授就是这么做的. But it's not everywhere that professors are also masters in the classroom who know how to make subject matter interesting, 和, 更重要的是, 谁对你感兴趣. Ask our students 和 they'll tell you that FSU professors get to know you, 挑战你做到最好, 和 are committed to helping you find your way to success.
Dr. Christopher McCarthy-Latimer >Chair, Political Science Department
I launched Moot Court in the fall of 2014. 学生 who sign up for it take part in a competition at Fitchburg State University against students from other universities in the Northeast. 不像在法学院, students are provided with a limited number of cases, 通常是15或16岁, 每个人都在用. There are two constitutional issues that teams have to wrestle with 和 then respond to questions from a judge. Being able to think 和 answer questions on your feet is a very valuable skill for just about any profession. It’s also a good way to meet students at other universities. I enjoy when our students go up against students from schools like Princeton or Northeastern because they realize, ‘嘿, 他们和我们一样.'"
At FSU you are part of a community that is culturally 和 socially active. When things are going on in the world, we like to discuss them - respectfully. We celebrate the good 和 look for solutions to the challenges. That means that there are lots of opportunities to get involved in issues that are close to your heart. Facing issues 和 being civically engaged increases your underst和ing 和 adaptability - two big components of success. And there is always something going on from a cultural perspective - concerts, 体育, 俱乐部, 剧院, 前往波士顿的旅行, 还有更多.
马利克马丁 '22 >专业:服装设计 & 零售业
I've become a co-chair on the Council for Diversity 和 Inclusion, worked with specific programming focused on edifying 和 unifying communities through the Center for 包容的卓越, 和 spoken at a plethora of events – on 和 off-campus – regarding race relations 和 how we can build an anti-racist environment. FSU has provided me with space 和 resources to focus on bringing my visions to tangible manifestations."